1. Example - UriTemplate
- The simplest expansion
const val = UriTemplate.parse('https://xyz/{name}') .expand({ name: 'abc' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('https://xyz/abc');
- A bit more
const val = UriTemplate.parse('https://app{.host*}{/version,path*}{?a,b,c*}{#some-id}') .expand({ host: ['acme', 'com'], path: ['some', 'thing'], version: 'v2', a: 'A', b: 'B', c: 'the letter c', 'some-id': 'thing 1' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('https://app.acme.com/v2/some/thing?a=A?b=B?c=the%20letter%20c#thing%201');
Chained Expansion
- Allows leaving the template in tact after adding a hostname
let uriTemplate = UriTemplate.parse(template); uriTemplate = uriTemplate.expand({ env: 'localhost' }); const val = uriTemplate.format(); expect(val).to.equal('https://app.localhost/path/{/id}');
- And afterwards adding the rest of the params.
let uriTemplate = UriTemplate.parse(template); uriTemplate = uriTemplate.expand({ env: 'localhost' }); const val = uriTemplate.expand({ id: 123 }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('https://app.localhost/path/123');
- You can drop unexpanded parameters.
let uriTemplate = UriTemplate.parse(template); uriTemplate = uriTemplate.expand({ env: 'localhost' }); const val = uriTemplate.format(false); expect(val).to.equal('https://app.localhost/path/');
Exploded and chained expansion
- Adds to the exploded var each call
const parsed = UriTemplate.parse(template); const first = parsed.expand({ type: 'a' }); const second = first.expand({ type: ['b', 'c'] }); const end = second.format(); expect(end).to.equal('http://some.thing?type=a&type=b&type=c');
Partially applied expansion issue
- Outputs incorrectly if unexpanded variables are kept
- Output correctly if unexpanded variables are dropped.
Handling variable types
- Label "{.xyz}" variables
const val = UriTemplate.parse('file{.extension}') .expand({ extension: 'js' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('file.js');
- Fragment "{#id}" variables
const val = UriTemplate.parse('/path{#id}') .expand({ id: 'section 1' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('/path#section%201');
- Path segment "{/id}" variables
const val = UriTemplate.parse('/path{/id}') .expand({ id: '123' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('/path/123');
- Path style param "{;id}" variables
const val = UriTemplate.parse('/path{;id}') .expand({ id: '123' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('/path;id=123');
- Query "{?id}" variables
const val = UriTemplate.parse('/path{?id}') .expand({ id: '123' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('/path?id=123');
- Query continuation "{&offset}" variables
const val = UriTemplate.parse('/path?limit=100{&offset}') .expand({ offset: '300' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('/path?limit=100&offset=300');
- Reserved string "{+host}" variables
const val = UriTemplate.parse('{+host}/login') .expand({ host: 'https://nowhere.test' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('https://nowhere.test/login');
Variable lists
- Any type can have a list of variable slots.
const val = UriTemplate.parse('https://api{.env,host}{/version,path}') .expand({ env: 'dev', host: 'xyz.com', version: 'v2', path: 'resource/xyz' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('https://api.dev.xyz.com/v2/resource/xyz');
Value lists
- Without explode "*".
const val = UriTemplate.parse('{/paths}') .expand({ paths: ['bin', '/etc'] }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('/bin,/etc');
- With explode "*".
const val = UriTemplate.parse('{/paths*}') .expand({ paths: ['/usr/bin', 'bash'] }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('/usr/bin/bash');
- When path-style parameter list
const val = UriTemplate.parse('/abc{;param1*,param2}') .expand({ param1: ['a', 'b'], param2: ['c'] }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('/abc;param1=a,b;param2=c');
Max Length
- You can provide max length "{?code:1}" (default is 10,000)
const val = UriTemplate.parse('{?code:1}') .expand({ code: 'four' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('?code=f');
- Max Length needs to be before any explode
const good = UriTemplate.parse('{?code:1*}') .expand({ code: ['four', 'x'] }) .format(); expect(good).to.equal('?code=f&code=x'); const bad = UriTemplate.parse('{?code*:1}') .expand({ code: ['four', 'x'] }) .format(); expect(bad).to.equal('{?code*:1}');
Special values
- Empty vars
const val = UriTemplate.parse('http://some/thing{?abc}') .expand({ abc: '' }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('http://some/thing?abc');
- Undefined or null vars
const val = UriTemplate.parse('http://some/thing{?abc}') .expand({ abc: null }) .format(); expect(val).to.equal('http://some/thing');
2. Example - UriTemplateBuilder Spec
- The simplest thing.
const val = UriTemplateBuilder.from('http://localhost') .text(':') .simple('port') .format(); expect(val).to.equal('http://localhost:{port}');
- This really just appends stuff.
const val = UriTemplateBuilder.from('http://localhost') .label('tld') .simple('port') .text('/v1') .path('some', 'thing') .query('username', 'id') .format(); expect(val).to.equal('http://localhost{.tld}{port}/v1{/some,thing}{?username,id}');